Good thing too. Todd could take Ryan apart with one hand tied behind his back.
Randi is better looking, even if she is a bit ditzy. One question will be: Is this femme fatale, met in an exotic locale (San Francisco has become exotic to the rest of the USA) away form home, as expensive as Randi is in the coffee department?
I’m glad, Shelby, that you didn’t immediately go to Palin… She’s RUINED the bun and glasses thing.
Dada… I so love that color combination… The color scheme from Scooby Doo makes me really happy. I think it permeated me as a child and now effects my color choices… now, and forever.
Meggie… ha ha! Yah, that song makes me laugh!
Michael… I am glad you think Randie is better looking.
Ha ha! What happens in SF stays in SF!
Purple and green…the traditional color scheme of comic book/Saturday cartoon villains!
I like her.
I like her as well! Hmm, I wonder why I Think I Love You just started playing in my head ;)!
Oh, boy… if things start to get “interesting” between Ryan and Not-Sarah-Palin, Randie’s gonna be ♫jealous♫…
Good thing too. Todd could take Ryan apart with one hand tied behind his back.
Randi is better looking, even if she is a bit ditzy. One question will be: Is this femme fatale, met in an exotic locale (San Francisco has become exotic to the rest of the USA) away form home, as expensive as Randi is in the coffee department?
All I know is this: What happens in San Francisco, stays in San Francisco.
Oh, yeah. I went there.
Where I didn’t go, mind you, was the tag list for this comic, otherwise I’d have known that “Not-Sarah-Palin” is called Emily 🙂
I didn’t think of Palin right off. My thoughts leaned more toward “Intelligent librarian”. We’ll see 🙂
I’m glad, Shelby, that you didn’t immediately go to Palin… She’s RUINED the bun and glasses thing.
Dada… I so love that color combination… The color scheme from Scooby Doo makes me really happy. I think it permeated me as a child and now effects my color choices… now, and forever.
Meggie… ha ha! Yah, that song makes me laugh!
Michael… I am glad you think Randie is better looking.
Ha ha! What happens in SF stays in SF!