I had a whole different story about Enid and her upbringing going this week. I couldn’t make it work… I will save that for another time (hint: it has something to do with apples)…
I had a whole different story about Enid and her upbringing going this week. I couldn’t make it work… I will save that for another time (hint: it has something to do with apples)…
If he keeps drinking like a fish, he’ll soon be peeing like a race horse.
Good one Pete. A clown, that’s scary. I don’t like how calm Randie is talking to a clown. You ever see “It?”
Wow, Enid’s the clown?! I seem to connect clowns with guys.
If the cider Leif keeps drinking is alcoholic, he’ll soon be a fried fish.
Hmm, puzzler…What connection does Enid’s likely farm-based upbringing have with apples?
She seems pretty enterprising, so I’d say she started up a bakery, candy shop or ice cream parlor specializing in apple pies, caramel apples or apple sundaes.
Speaking of apples, I recall a recipe on NPR for amazing apple jelly. Here it is, pour apple juice (lots of it) into a big pot and boil it. That’s it. That’s the recipe. As the apple juice boils down it gets concentrated just as maple syrup does. And apples have naturally occurring pectin in them which jells when cooked. The only catch is you have to keep stirring the juice once it starts to boil, or your sweet apple jelly will turn into the trash can’s burnt apple glop. But that’s it, boil it down to your desired consistency, bottle it, seal it, let it cool down to room temperature, enjoy when ready, and refrigerate what’s left in the bottle once opened.
When I was little, I ate some flowers … which really aren’t meant for child consumption…(it was a bet, alright… kids do THAT) therefore I had to go to the hospital where they induced, well, you know… but beforehand, they gave me apple juice. For years, I could NOT drink appley juicy products. Now, thanks to our local Martinelli’s, I love the stuff.
Um… The cider wouldn’t be the adult kind… Enid wouldn’t allow that! But it’s true…. (the peeing like a racehorse thing)…
I, myself, am somewhat spooked by clowns… thank you, Poltergeist… I started to read “IT” but didn’t get too far… King scares me. However, I have a whole series of paintings where there is a clown or two… it’s weird.
Burnt apple glop sounds like fun. That should be a candy… maybe a new flavor of Jolly Ranchers.
Time to find out which of the Squid Row cast is coulrophobic. Ryan? Midge? Grace? Rudy?
Only one way to find out: go get’em, boss lady!
I’m not scared of clowns…but the idea of clowns is creepy to me…if that makes sense? I’m ok with an adult putting a cat mask on…but put white face paint and a giant red smile that takes up half the face…oooh creepy.