Finally, yah? As in real life, nuthin’ happens over night… except in the funny pages… well, not in THIS funny page, anyway.
Finally, yah? As in real life, nuthin’ happens over night… except in the funny pages… well, not in THIS funny page, anyway.
But hey, that’s one less bill to haunt you, Randie! It’s a GOOD thing!
But she should remember what a financial adviser told me a while back: “always pay yourself first”. Then explained to me that what it means is no matter how bad your bills are, always get your essentials taken care of. Bill collectors can be bargained with as long as you show effort – hunger, homelessness, and depression (no entertainment) can NOT.
I never have any problems paying my Stupid Bill. I’ve just got plenty of stupid to spare!
poor randie is gonna forget how to use cash (if she ever gets any) at this rate!
Ah… it’s been a Monday.. got to the office and there was no internet! Poo… then found spelling errors in work I did last week and had sent off already… More POO! Then walked home from work and my cat welcomed me home with barf. Sigh.
Grey… I can tell you, Randie plays Bill Pay Roulette often.
Dada… Hey! Happy Scapula Relaunch! Woo hoo! Everybody go read Dada’s Scapula! (Scap, by the way, pays his bills with counterfeit bills). Picasso paid his with drawings… Randie ought to try that sometime. Worked with Ryan.
anatman… what is this cash you speak of? can you eat it? tell me more.
It can’t be that much money if Randie has to decide which bill to pay with it.
Yat… yah… most observant of you…. either that… or one bill is actually a few months of service plus fees stuffed into one cheery notice.
That’s why it’s important to call the place you owe money– tell them, ‘look, I have some money, and I have a handful of bills to pay. Drop the late fees and other charges, and you will be the ones to get paid.’
I’ve been where Randie is. It can be depressing, which is why I’d end up splurging on a spaghetti dinner!… which I made from the cheapest spaghetti and sauce I could buy.
My dumbest thing I did in those lean days was I’d actually built up almost $200 extra in my checking account, then immediately spent it all on a .22 rifle. Now, decades later, the bills of those days have all been forgotten, but I still have that rifle (a sweet Marlin 39A lever action) and each of my boys are trying to convince me that HE should get the rifle in my will. *hehe* Money well wasted.
chug… I wish I’d thought of that back in the days when I got those dreaded “you owe us” phone calls. I used to avoid my phone all those years ago.
Pete… I dunno, Pete… I would’ve spent the money on a stockpile of Spam and rice an’ beans. However, I usually just called on the magic credit cards to buy me the frivolous stuff. Oh, the days of frivolous spending.