I actually “introduced” my cat to the aquarium when I got it started — held him up so he could look at the fish. After the initial interest in the brightly colored moving things inside, he realized that he couldn’t get to them through the glass, and trying to catch them through the tiny openings in the cover without getting wet was impossible, and that was the end of that.
He had far more interest — and nearly better luck — at snagging my son’s gerbil! He actually managed to break through the screening on top of the gerbil cage, but the gerbil managed to remain just out of reach. Then, when the cat finally got bored and left, the gerbil had an easy escape route. When my son came home from school and found the gerbil cage empty, we thought the worst had happened. But at 3AM the next morning, my wife and I were awakened by the sound of a gerbil scratching around behind my wife’s dresser! After a wild chase, we finally managed to recapture the escapee and return him to captivity, with a reinforced top screen. The gerbil ended up dying of old age!
I don’t know if the cat-scrambler’s going to work other than temporarily. And Bob The Fish is using up his luck at an alarming rate. A solution must be found, and hopefully it will involve Twinkie’s absent owners.
Twinkie in innocent and has no interest in Bob! He… probably just likes the taste of ‘fish-water’. Bob keeps getting in the way! Oh, Princess Star Pumpkin would never have let Bob flop… much more fun to stand over the tank and play swat/splash. Seen it many times.
I have multiple aquariums and my cats have sadly snagged a few fish…didn’t eat them, just clawed them beyond survival. Now though my cats are more interested in drinking the fish water, since I got a 30 gallon tank they can’t reach the fish anymore cause there is too much space for them to escape!
On the plus side (for me) I had endless amusement when I heard this horrible crash “MeeOOOooW and then ran into the living room to find my fat cat had jumped on the hood of the aquarium and fallen through! I laughed so hard, poor fat kitty…oh man, good times. btw, she got out of the tank fine (wet, but fine) the fish were amused I think, but they too all survived.
I’ve heard orange slices keeps kitty away, but that only works on my cats when its fresh…not sure how many oranges Randie’s willing to slice to save Bob, or if Bob might end up being Bob 2 by the time his owner returns.
Now I have Faith No More’s “Epic” stuck in my head. (Remember that video with the fish flopping around at the end? It apparently upset enough people that they called their subsequent tour The Fish Lives….)
Oooo…. Mage… you, uh… you have some dislike for the feline race? Mastrius might share your feelings… or maybe it’s just a dislike for mean & mischeiving wanderable cats.
Is he actually going to eat that fish, or is he just getting a kick out of tormenting Randie?
Oh wait, you. . . you don’t need to answer that.
Heavy rock on the lid. Live cat trap in the living room. All set.
(I should have been more specific…when I say “live trap” i mean the humane kind that just traps them in a cage and doesn’t hurt them)
I actually “introduced” my cat to the aquarium when I got it started — held him up so he could look at the fish. After the initial interest in the brightly colored moving things inside, he realized that he couldn’t get to them through the glass, and trying to catch them through the tiny openings in the cover without getting wet was impossible, and that was the end of that.
He had far more interest — and nearly better luck — at snagging my son’s gerbil! He actually managed to break through the screening on top of the gerbil cage, but the gerbil managed to remain just out of reach. Then, when the cat finally got bored and left, the gerbil had an easy escape route. When my son came home from school and found the gerbil cage empty, we thought the worst had happened. But at 3AM the next morning, my wife and I were awakened by the sound of a gerbil scratching around behind my wife’s dresser! After a wild chase, we finally managed to recapture the escapee and return him to captivity, with a reinforced top screen. The gerbil ended up dying of old age!
I don’t know if the cat-scrambler’s going to work other than temporarily. And Bob The Fish is using up his luck at an alarming rate. A solution must be found, and hopefully it will involve Twinkie’s absent owners.
Twinkie in innocent and has no interest in Bob! He… probably just likes the taste of ‘fish-water’. Bob keeps getting in the way! Oh, Princess Star Pumpkin would never have let Bob flop… much more fun to stand over the tank and play swat/splash. Seen it many times.
I have multiple aquariums and my cats have sadly snagged a few fish…didn’t eat them, just clawed them beyond survival. Now though my cats are more interested in drinking the fish water, since I got a 30 gallon tank they can’t reach the fish anymore cause there is too much space for them to escape!
btw, she got out of the tank fine (wet, but fine) the fish were amused I think, but they too all survived.
On the plus side (for me) I had endless amusement when I heard this horrible crash “MeeOOOooW and then ran into the living room to find my fat cat had jumped on the hood of the aquarium and fallen through! I laughed so hard, poor fat kitty…oh man, good times.
I’ve heard orange slices keeps kitty away, but that only works on my cats when its fresh…not sure how many oranges Randie’s willing to slice to save Bob, or if Bob might end up being Bob 2 by the time his owner returns.
Time for a trip to the pet store for a reinforced lid!
Now I have Faith No More’s “Epic” stuck in my head. (Remember that video with the fish flopping around at the end? It apparently upset enough people that they called their subsequent tour The Fish Lives….)
Why does it look like the squid painting in the middle is dripping on the wall? o.O
Chase: Randie tends to paint whilst the canvas is on the wall. Paint overspills and sploshes…
Uwg: missed that.
Yah… heavy objects on the aquarium lid… that’d do it.
Actually, the solution seems to be quite clear. Take the cat to the vet to have him declawed, neutered….and THEN put to sleep.
Personally I would grap up the cat, burn his collar and call the SPCA on him, he’ll never been seen again…
Oooo…. Mage… you, uh… you have some dislike for the feline race? Mastrius might share your feelings… or maybe it’s just a dislike for mean & mischeiving wanderable cats.