I’m sort of particular about my brushes… I have had some brushes for literally 20 years! So I wash them out all proper-like… unlike this little scenario.
I’m sort of particular about my brushes… I have had some brushes for literally 20 years! So I wash them out all proper-like… unlike this little scenario.
I suppose randie could shred a few pages from some of her artbooks to make more brushes…
Randie could rediscover the joys of fingerpainting.
Ungh… one of the reasons why I hardly ever let anyone use MY BRUSHES! (It used to be nobody… but, you know, girlfriend*….)
The Auld Grump
*Plus, she is careful with MY BRUSHES! So I don’t worry about the bristles fanning on me… much.
I paint pewter miniatures, and proper care and feeding of your brushes is essential if you want good results!
firedome… a while back (way back) I posted a “how to make your own brushes” photo-story-link… she should’ve taken notes.
Yat… that’s REALLY getting into painting for sure.
Yah, Grump… you know what I’m talkin’ about.
DCS… and so do you!You got any of those one or two-haired brushes? …for the super teeny tiny work…?