Friends are, however, concerned about each other, non? When you’ve been together as pals for as long as Randie and Ryan have been… you look out for one another.
Friends are, however, concerned about each other, non? When you’ve been together as pals for as long as Randie and Ryan have been… you look out for one another.
Randie Randie Randie, yeah, sure, “Best” friends. You go on believing that one. Wake up and smell the coffee! Helloo-ooo? You know you and Rye are an item. We all do.
Seems that Jacques is sizing up his competition.
So what happened to Tiki Karl? Just dust in the wind?
It’s a big town…and a small strip. One disaster at a time, stick.
I believe the Tiki place is in a neighboring town; which makes the the covered area even bigger.
Jack… but are you SURE…?
stick… Tiki Karl is around… busy running a business.
Jude… small strip… big ideas… big stories…
Beetle… Yes, in a place Randie and Ryan call “Marine Layer.”
About the same as my sister and me.
I would love to see the two together. But then again, I’m not sure if I would want them to be together because I know you would come up with all sorts of turmoil for the two to work out. xD