Bff Shock
Well, tis the season for graduation speeches. If you feel like checking some out… (find Stephen Colbert’s past grad speeches… they are a hoot).
Anyhow, Ryan has been busy outside of Randie’s pal-dom.
Well, tis the season for graduation speeches. If you feel like checking some out… (find Stephen Colbert’s past grad speeches… they are a hoot).
Anyhow, Ryan has been busy outside of Randie’s pal-dom.
Did Ryan go off and get well-to-do while we weren’t watching him? Usually that doesn’t happen till you’re in your forties…
Robert…. more explaining upcoming… but Ryan HAS been busy… but he’s not exactly well-to-do. I’d say he’s got some student loans and a savings account. But Cypress City College is just a blurp on his college path. He has CSUFO to go yet to get his degree.
Out here, tis the season for NOT graduation speechifying. Starting to be called “disinvitation”, commencement speakers are withdrawing after vocal minorities on the inviting campus have stirred things up. Most notable is Condaleezza Rice at Rutgers, who graciously withdrew when about 50 students staged a sit-in.
Too bad.
Pete… OH… that is rather interesting.
When I attended my sister’s graduation from Ohio State back in 2002 (wow, that long ago)… then-President Bush was the guest commencement speaker. It was a total zoo at the stadium with security and all. We found out later that in the wings, should the president be unable to attend, was Tom Hanks….DANG!… why couldn’t pressing international matters have come up that day!!!
No Doubt – Don’t Speak
First song that came to mind on this topic on Monday’s comic. Might as well toss it up since the theme goes on.
People forget that it takes work to bridge the gaps in lifestyle and geography to maintain friendships. Then they sit back and wonder why so many old friends just slipped away. I imagine this won’t happen here, but then, no one ever expects it to happen.
Which is why it does.
I constantly try to remain in contact with my friends…… but if I find a year has gone by without any effort to keep in touch with me in return, I drop them like a ton of bricks unless they have a very good reason. My pal Martie had an ex-lover dying of cancer that he did everything he could for a year and a half to make comfortable…… that’s acceptable. “I got real busy with work and kinda depressed so I didn’t answer any of your fifty-odd emails” is not! Unless by ‘depressed’ you mean ‘put yourself into a coma with pills’.
In this case, though, I’d be willing to give Rye-Bread some slack. School IS intense, a new girlfriend is EXPECTED to take a chunk of your time (or else she’s not a girlfriend, is she? Or you’re not a boy/girlfriend worth having), and in their relationship he does seem to be the one always giving……. advice, a few bucks, a helping hand. Not saying Randie wouldn’t, but in many friendships one is the giver and one the reciever, and I give the giver some extra credit.
Legacy… I don’t think I’ve ever really listened to the lyrics on that song before.
It does take effort to maintain friendships. I like the metaphor of friendships being like gardens. My gardening goes in spurts. I’ll work at making the garden all nice… and then I’ll forget to water.
Jenn… You tell it like it is… and yah, Randie is muchly the receiver and Ryan the giver most always. Maybe Randie needs to focus a bit more on not-Randie.
I’m working at writing that Squid Row graphic novel. In it, so far that is written, you can see into some of Randie’s childhood and some of her experiences. I have some conversations between Ryan and Squish that concern Randie and her ways that I think will give new insight to Randie.
Oooh, that sounds like something I will have to get my grubby mitts on if ever I get actually earning money again! Stupid vow of poverty BS……