Yarn-bombing…. have you seen it? Sign poles and statues covered in knit. Hoodlum knitters come out at night and “bomb” something… It’s such a nifty thing. To cover up ugly tagging would be a definite good deed! What I wonder is… does somebody come around and launder the knitting when it collects dirt and street scuzz?
Wow! Musta been a lotta fun drawing that third panel.
You just watch. Someone will try to take the bench, to put in their appartment.
Yarn Bombing sounds like a great idea! Actually, a lot of cities either tolerate or even encourage local artists to use their imagination on public fixtures like fire hydrants, utility boxes, light poles, etc. It would take a hardcore grumpass to object to most of the artistic whimsies I’ve seen.
My guess is that Max will put it in a gallery as “his” found art.
If you google yarn-bombing… and click images on the right side panel… you get some pretty fun stuff! If I did the whole knitter thing…. I’d be out doing this… but alas, I will live thru my cartoon characters.
It’s got warmth, that bench… don’t it, Joe? … keepa reading.
I like the phrase ARTISTIC WHIMSIES, Kona… may I use that?
Max! Ha… he’d find some way to take SOME kind of credit for it, wouldn’t he?
Fabulous! I’ve yet to see yarn-bombing in real life, but I’ve seen quite a bit on the interwebs. I’d love to do it, except that my hands are literally too tiny to kint anything besides a tangled mess :).
Eat your heart out, Christo.
“does somebody come around and launder the knitting when it collects dirt and street scuzz?”
Presumably Enid, Spill, and Randie will do this laundering, since putting it on the bench (not to mention a tree and a garbage can) makes it their responsibility.
Maybe they should just have knitted a sweater for Rudy, and left it to him not to launder it.
I haven’t seen yarn-bombing in real life either, but I thought it was cool to see it here. This is the second time I’ve seen a picture of it on a tree, and I wonder – isn’t that bad for the tree?
was that free speech park ?
yarn bombing is dope its all over mpls
Somebody’s been yarn-bombing the bike racks outside the library around the corner from me here in North Portland. I’ve been dying to understand it — thanks!