I hate work dreams! … I still have work dreams where I would be at my (previous) job, usually in some stressful problematical situation. Worst of all, though, are the dreams where you are getting ready for your job… before you actually wake up. So when you DO wake up, you have to do the routine…. again.
*bleh!* I’m with you, Brig.
I gotta ask, though… how to women in commercials and comic strip get such terrific suds from their soap? It’s just amazing! 😉
It’s like Nightmare on Elm St. part….4, I think. You go in circles dreaming the same thing. At least Randie dreams of a killer breakfast of Pop-Tarts.
Those dreams are your brain preparing for the day ahead. Nice things if they can be harnessed. Not so great reminders if you hate your job.
Pete… The suds are impressive, but what’s really amazing is how her hair can go from bed head to wet mop to fluffy fro, all in the same panel.
brig… Like the spider detail. Hoping that’s not mold on the tiles.
The bubbles are a specific brand, “Modesty Bubbles”, marketed to film makers and cartoonists via a secret underground system. Shhhh.
I’d kinda suspected it, Jude. Either that or much lighter gravity on film and paper and electron. Probably from being a 2D reality.
Pete & Jude… Sudsy soap… it’s all the rage in commercials and comics… but believe me, if the commercial people could, and it’d help sell soap, they’d show LESS suds. As for cartoonists… in France, there is little modesty in cartoons and comics.
Jack… It’s just like that! Nightmare on the Row!
stick… the spiders are out to get Randie… and yah… mold is yucky…. so is Randie’s apt.
… and if there was more room in the panel, I’d a stuck Randie with the same sleepy face with a hairdryer in front of it.
Maybe if our heroine would start having more protein and fewer Pop-Tarts, she would feel more energized.
I’m usually good about waking up around my appointed time (I tend to sleep fitfully anymore), but I still set my alarm for 6:30. Usually I remember to turn it off, but sometimes I’ll come out of the shower and find my alarm’s been buzzing for 10 minutes. Gahhh….
EofO… Yah… Pop’n Tarts aren’t really good day-starters. I have to have oatmeal. It’s perfect for people who need their blood-sugar to be more controlled.
Uwg… I have two alarms… one goes off at 6… the cat usually goes off either right before or right after.
Randie needs to get up at 11:55 p.m. That way, she can get started before the day does.