Pete… Yes, Jacques is polite and sincere. He’s a sweet feller with a big French heart.
Eprinc… Thank you for translating. Yes… that’s flirting in any language…
I am steadily working on the French. (Thank You for the compliment)… I must admit that I had Google Translate check my work… and there were some corrections. My conjugation is pretty lousy…but I keep trying.
Eprinc… Thanks for the translation. It makes the comic, well, understandable.
I like Randie’s comprehension-less vagueness. I’ve been there. With cultures often mixing, being left out of private and not-so-private conversations happens. I had a guy of Mexican origin (later said that he was granted citizenship but he was not always truthful) weasel his way into my place in Sacramento and later bring along his well-tattooed brother with strong Norteno gang ties who would often carry on Spanish conversations about me in my presence. Erk, caught him going through my desk once. And when they moved out some VERY valuable items of mine disappeared as well. A TV news program read some editorial comments and an interesting one came from a construction worker. He did not know Spanish, but was required to be bi-lingual in order to be hired for building jobs in English-speaking California. Sheesh.
I’d say that subtitles would be called for in the comic, but they’d probably be impossible to read in the shrunken, low-resolution newspaper print version and frustrate the paper’s Non-French speaking subscribers more.
Hmm, St. Val’s Day is tomorrow. Will Jacques steal himself a kiss?
Eprinc… I will keep that in mind when I am in France this summer.
stick… Wow… a Norteno in your house… that’s scary. I hope you had the locks changed after that… cameras? alarm installation?
As far as subtitles… From time to time, I like to give the reader a little something extra to figure out. If one is curious… the internet is there with answers. (another example.. See last Sunday’s toon). But I think people get the gist with what’s there.
Brig… I remember that Bill Holbrook’s web comic, Kevin & Kell, first went multilingual when one of his fans began translating it into German just because he could. Maybe you can find a friend/fan to translate Squid Row into French for you.
Of course, that would make Randie’s struggling with the French language a little weird, since she’ll be speaking/thinking in French. 😀
Pete…. That would be cool… having the comic put to French…. and I actually know someone who could do that! … but you are right… her struggles with French would be a tad weird. Hmmm… maybe Dutch… ? I know some folks…
Frank… ha! peut-être qu’il est trop vieux pour elle …. mais ils peuvent flirt, oui? (I was ALMOST able to do most of that without Google!)
Dada… specifically the goat cheese-makers. I love me some goat cheese!
Yeah, sadly my bachelor’s degree in a nice green book case and master’s degree in a matching green book case (I still have a large version of the masters) walked out the door. Same too for an 18 carat class graduation ring with a green stone and my signature engraved inside (the ring’s case was left behind…empty). The Norteno was a high-school drop out and was even rejected by the Army at a time when they were taking just about anybody to send to Iraq and Afghanistan. I could go into more… drug dealings, a cousin in Pelican Bay (Fed Super Max prision from which Norteno operations are run), restaurant tip theft boasting… but I’ll refrain.
I will say that some of this was playing out (my fruitless after-the-fact dealing with his oft-lying brother) when you were cheering the joyous mystique of pirates in your comics and comments. I was taking some offense to it while I was living with their darker reality. So, sorry ’bout that.
However, speaking of gang ties and Valentine’s Day love; there was another roommate involved with theater and the son a prominant seated Federal Judge who took to growing a pot garden in our large back yard (he had legal growing notices posted among the plants that grew surprisingly tall). So some folks came one night right before “harvest” and took all the plants (dug them up with their roots) from the yard without anyone noticing. The mystery of who did it was solved when a jilted girl friend of one of the offenders stopped by and sold out her ex. This second roommate, while not a gang member himself, was able arrange some Mexican Mafia “soldiers” to pay the harvesters a personal visit at their house and send them a message that what they did was not appreciated. Ah, jilted love. The ex-girl friend definitely got some payback in that exchange.
On Pete’s comment… You’ve got the Monterey Institute of International Studies and the US Army (Monterey Presidio) language school in town. If you’d care to you could have comics sent (internet) to their classes and translated into literally dozens of languages.
back in the mid-60’s, there was a bilingual (spanish-english) comic strip carried in hearst newspapers called “buenos dias”. it was written in such a way to get english speaking kids like myself to learn a bit of spanish (or, perhaps, vice-versa)
perhaps you could do the same with an english-french comic strip…
Oy… good luck in France. When I was there half the people wouldn’t acknowledge I was even speaking to them when I used French (I speak it with a Quebecois accent).
firedome… It’s so funny, a long time ago, Judy and I started a story called “Fromage Puant.” It was about a British mouse and a French cat… it was supposed to help us learn French. She would write it and I would draw it… comic style. It turned out to be more Judy’s story… in kid book form. It’s in the process of “getting out there.”
Jack… Eye roll… NON! You didn’t get an eyeroll?!!
chug… Do they really dislike the Quebec-y accent? Poo.
GreyW… AhHA…. I missed that. I, er, am sorta down on my Python-ism. So is that minus some internets if I didn’t get it?
No, the artist is nose-deep in it while we have the advantage of standing back and seeing the whole thing … so you only get -1 if you still don’t get it after we point it out. 😉
I was able to translate the second sentence on the fly, but had to use Google translate to clearly understand the first.
Awww… it may be flirting, but it’s definitely polite and sincere flirting. 🙂
Here’s my translation from a bilingual canadian perspective:
J’aime vraiment vous avoir ici = I really like having you here
J’apprécie ta compagnie beaucoup = I appreciate your company…a lot.
Yup sure sounds like flirting!
Brig you’re getting really good at French, keep it up 🙂
Pete… Yes, Jacques is polite and sincere. He’s a sweet feller with a big French heart.
Eprinc… Thank you for translating. Yes… that’s flirting in any language…
I am steadily working on the French. (Thank You for the compliment)… I must admit that I had Google Translate check my work… and there were some corrections. My conjugation is pretty lousy…but I keep trying.
Don’t sweat it about conjugation, French people don’t understand it 😉
Eprinc… Thanks for the translation. It makes the comic, well, understandable.
I like Randie’s comprehension-less vagueness. I’ve been there. With cultures often mixing, being left out of private and not-so-private conversations happens. I had a guy of Mexican origin (later said that he was granted citizenship but he was not always truthful) weasel his way into my place in Sacramento and later bring along his well-tattooed brother with strong Norteno gang ties who would often carry on Spanish conversations about me in my presence. Erk, caught him going through my desk once. And when they moved out some VERY valuable items of mine disappeared as well. A TV news program read some editorial comments and an interesting one came from a construction worker. He did not know Spanish, but was required to be bi-lingual in order to be hired for building jobs in English-speaking California. Sheesh.
I’d say that subtitles would be called for in the comic, but they’d probably be impossible to read in the shrunken, low-resolution newspaper print version and frustrate the paper’s Non-French speaking subscribers more.
Hmm, St. Val’s Day is tomorrow. Will Jacques steal himself a kiss?
Eprinc… I will keep that in mind when I am in France this summer.
stick… Wow… a Norteno in your house… that’s scary. I hope you had the locks changed after that… cameras? alarm installation?
As far as subtitles… From time to time, I like to give the reader a little something extra to figure out. If one is curious… the internet is there with answers. (another example.. See last Sunday’s toon). But I think people get the gist with what’s there.
Brig… I remember that Bill Holbrook’s web comic, Kevin & Kell, first went multilingual when one of his fans began translating it into German just because he could. Maybe you can find a friend/fan to translate Squid Row into French for you.
Of course, that would make Randie’s struggling with the French language a little weird, since she’ll be speaking/thinking in French. 😀
Ils feraient un drôle de couple ;p
mais je pense qu’il serait trop vieux pour elle =(
est-ce qu’elle va trouver l’amour un jour !
Uh….he said something about, “Blessed are the cheese-makers”…I think.
Pete…. That would be cool… having the comic put to French…. and I actually know someone who could do that! … but you are right… her struggles with French would be a tad weird. Hmmm… maybe Dutch… ? I know some folks…
Frank… ha! peut-être qu’il est trop vieux pour elle …. mais ils peuvent flirt, oui? (I was ALMOST able to do most of that without Google!)
Dada… specifically the goat cheese-makers. I love me some goat cheese!
Yeah, sadly my bachelor’s degree in a nice green book case and master’s degree in a matching green book case (I still have a large version of the masters) walked out the door. Same too for an 18 carat class graduation ring with a green stone and my signature engraved inside (the ring’s case was left behind…empty). The Norteno was a high-school drop out and was even rejected by the Army at a time when they were taking just about anybody to send to Iraq and Afghanistan. I could go into more… drug dealings, a cousin in Pelican Bay (Fed Super Max prision from which Norteno operations are run), restaurant tip theft boasting… but I’ll refrain.
I will say that some of this was playing out (my fruitless after-the-fact dealing with his oft-lying brother) when you were cheering the joyous mystique of pirates in your comics and comments. I was taking some offense to it while I was living with their darker reality. So, sorry ’bout that.
However, speaking of gang ties and Valentine’s Day love; there was another roommate involved with theater and the son a prominant seated Federal Judge who took to growing a pot garden in our large back yard (he had legal growing notices posted among the plants that grew surprisingly tall). So some folks came one night right before “harvest” and took all the plants (dug them up with their roots) from the yard without anyone noticing. The mystery of who did it was solved when a jilted girl friend of one of the offenders stopped by and sold out her ex. This second roommate, while not a gang member himself, was able arrange some Mexican Mafia “soldiers” to pay the harvesters a personal visit at their house and send them a message that what they did was not appreciated. Ah, jilted love. The ex-girl friend definitely got some payback in that exchange.
On Pete’s comment… You’ve got the Monterey Institute of International Studies and the US Army (Monterey Presidio) language school in town. If you’d care to you could have comics sent (internet) to their classes and translated into literally dozens of languages.
Dada… Ha. You sheldom fail to amuse.
brig… bah bah bah, heh heh heh.
back in the mid-60’s, there was a bilingual (spanish-english) comic strip carried in hearst newspapers called “buenos dias”. it was written in such a way to get english speaking kids like myself to learn a bit of spanish (or, perhaps, vice-versa)
perhaps you could do the same with an english-french comic strip…
I remember ordering a coffee in France, uh yeah, my accent was horrid, and I got the eye roll. Hey, I’m tryin’ here. Merci, merci, merci.
Oy… good luck in France. When I was there half the people wouldn’t acknowledge I was even speaking to them when I used French (I speak it with a Quebecois accent).
+1 internets to Dada for the Monty Python reference
Well done, sir, well done.
firedome… It’s so funny, a long time ago, Judy and I started a story called “Fromage Puant.” It was about a British mouse and a French cat… it was supposed to help us learn French. She would write it and I would draw it… comic style. It turned out to be more Judy’s story… in kid book form. It’s in the process of “getting out there.”
Jack… Eye roll… NON! You didn’t get an eyeroll?!!
chug… Do they really dislike the Quebec-y accent? Poo.
GreyW… AhHA…. I missed that. I, er, am sorta down on my Python-ism. So is that minus some internets if I didn’t get it?
No, the artist is nose-deep in it while we have the advantage of standing back and seeing the whole thing … so you only get -1 if you still don’t get it after we point it out. 😉